Try active learning with our OER
Want to try our textbooks as a student and get access to the OER? Just head to our website and click on 'Full Content Preview' under each course.
What can be accessed?
- 4 assignment tools:
- Plan It
- Review It
- Chart It
- Tour It
- 5 faculty-curated Course Content Packages (textbooks):
- English Composition 1 and 2
- Introductory Chemistry
- Non-majors Biology
- Interpersonal Communication
- Student Success
How does it work?
- Fill out this form and indicate what you would like to "Get access to."
- You will receive access within 48 hours via email.
- Seamlessly add to your LMS and deploy to your students. Our team can support you to create a full textbook with assignment.s
If you are interested in other Inspark Smart Courses, such as BioBeyond, CriticalChem, and ChemLabs, you can sign up to review or teach.